Plaquex Phosphatidylcholine IV
Phosphatidylcholine: The Miracle Molecule
Wake Up Your Brain
Phosphatidylcholine (or PC for short) is the most abundant phospholipid in the body. Unsure of what this means? Let me break it down. Every cell in our body is encased in a double layer of fat or phospholipids. Phosphatidylcholine is an important phospholipid that is very prevalent in young and healthy cell membranes. When we age or become ill, our cell membranes become damaged by toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, smoking, and even stress. As we get older, our body is unable to produce enough PC to repair this damage and keep our cells healthy and functioning optimally. When PC decreases, toxins actually get trapped within these fatty cell membranes.
Because our brain is 60% fatty tissue, our brain cells are particularly susceptible to trapping toxins when Phosphatidylcholine is not prevalent. These toxins can impact cell membrane and mitochondrial function (cells energy production) as well as cellular communication. Phosphatidylcholine also synthesizes an important brain chemical called acetylcholine. This chemical is pivotal for memory and other brain functions. Much recent research has been looking at PC therapy for conditions and diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and even mental illness.
The Miracle Molecule?
Phosphatidylcholine is often referred to as the “miracle molecule” for its importance in:
• maintaining cell structure
• fat metabolism
• memory
• nerve signalling, as a precursor to important neurotransmitters
• and liver health
It is a very promising area of research in anti-aging medicine because many studies have found Phosphatidylcholine supplements can improve learning, aid your memory, and even help to promote healthy skin elasticity. That’s right…brains AND beauty.
Food Sources of PC
Many foods contain rich levels of PC. However, they are not the foods that we should be eating in abundance. Foods like eggs, beef, fish, and milk are good sources of PC, but they can also lead to more exposure to toxins, metals, and pesticides that act in breaking down our levels of PC.
PC Supplementation
Supplementing with PC is he best way to add this important molecule to our bodies. We can increase the levels found in our cells and reverse age-related decline with proper supplementation. Both oral and IV supplementation is available.
Phosphatidylcholine IVs
Oral supplementation can be taken everyday for PC “upkeep.” PC IVs act more as an overhaul of your cells. Intense intravenous PC therapy might be more appropriate with some people with chronic disease or metal toxicity. Chronic illness is linked to poor cell membrane health. By replenishing your cell membranes with healthy phospholipids, your cellular function will increase and toxic compounds can be transported from your body.
You should consider PC IV therapy if you have:
• proven metal toxicity (this can be assessed with functional lab testing).
• neurodegenerative diseases (MS, autism, ALS, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s
• autoimmune disorders
• toxic mold exposures
• chronic viral infections
• cancer and or family history of any of the above.
The Plaquex® Formula has been in use for the past 55 years in about one-fourth of the world’s countries. It was originally developed to dissolve fatty embolus during and after trauma surgery. It was also used to treat liver disease
In the 1990’s the use shifted to treating plaque deposits. The treatment was mostly done in combination with EDTA chelation infusions. Since then results have been so dramatic, that it has become a treatment in its own right.
Not only is the Plaquex® Formula used to remove fatty and hardened plaque from blood vessels, it is also applied for general anti aging purposes. By observing their patients, many doctors discovered that the patients started looking younger and healthier after the have had about 20 treatments.
What is Plaquex?
Plaquex is a natural substance, that is part of every living cell (plant cell, animal cell and human cell). The exact chemical name is phosphatidylcholine. This is a molecule made of glycerine and 2 poly-unsaturated fatty acids. It belongs to the group of Di-Ester molecules.
All cell walls are mainly made out of phosphatidylcholine. 70% of a human cell wall is phosphatidylcholine and 30% is phosphatidylserine.
In a watery solution, phospholipids build double layered membranes. In between the double layered phopholipid molecules structural proteins and also LDL cholesterol are inserted to help with the exchange of substances through the cell wall and to give the cell wall stability.
Damage to the cell membrane leads to LDL cholesterol being thrown out of the membrane structure, leading to elevated LDL cholesterol in the blood serum. This damage to cell walls is caused by free radicals, toxic substances and detergents that reduce the surface tension. It can also be caused by heart catheters in narrow curves “scratching” the inner lining of the coronary vessels. This leads to a higher need for phosphatidylcholine. The body’s own synthesis isn’t enough to effect repairs. Thus scar tissue replaces the damage and plaques form inside of blood vessels. Therefore it is logical to supplement phosphatidylcholine by infusion when cell membrane damage exists. Oral supplementation is usually absorbed by the liver to repair liver damage and only minute amounts end up in other places. This is the reason oral phosphatidylcholine has little effect on blood vessels. In case of inflammation, damage to blood vessels can be stopped by phosphatidylcholine.
In addition LDL cholesterol is reintegrated into the cell membrane and the serum LDL cholesterol normalizes. LDL cholesterol that has been oxidized by free radicals is bound in to micelles by phosphatidylcholine and transported to the liver where it is metabolized or excreted with gall fluid. The viscosity of the blood – the blood flow characteristics – is also improved.
The main place of action by Plaquex is the entire capillary net. The exchange of substances such as oxygen and nutrients is improved in all tissues.
Plaquex and Aging
With aging the membranes lipid ratios and structures change and degrade. Slowly the cells lose their youthful elasticity, shape and function. The cell membrane no longer admits nourishment into the cell, it no longer allows waste to leave the cell. Over time the age related changes to the cell membrane cause the cell to lie fallow. The cells sleep as if dead.
“Age” related changes in the cell membrane cause all cells, tissues and organs to fail, some earlier, some later.
Plaquex lipid replacement therapy reverses not only plaque in the arteries but reverses the aging process. Receptor and enzyme functions resume. The cell returns to an earlier shape and a more youthful function. The cells become elastic again, nourishment gains entry into the cell, waste is removed and aging is slowed down or even stopped.